
27 June 2016


What if...

... you get married or enter into a registered partnership? And if you start living together? What is then arranged for your pension? And do you have to do anything yourself?
16 April 2016


Seniorenclub updated on Mars Pension Fund

On March 30, 2016, the Seniors Club was updated on Mars Pension Fund.
30 March 2016


A new design!

Did you notice? We have changed the look of Mars Pension Fund's digital newsletter. Our research from last year showed that the digital newsletter did not score very well on 'attractiveness'. Reason enough for the Pension Communication Committee (PCC) - on which I sit on behalf of the Oud-Beijerland office - to improve this. We hope that this design will be to your liking!
30 March 2016


Net pension lower due to higher taxes

Is your monthly pension € 2,000 gross or higher? If so, you will receive a slightly smaller net pension as of April 1, 2016. This is due to a change in taxes.
30 March 2016


What if...

… je van baan verandert? Vaak kun je dan jouw pensioen van het oude naar het nieuwe pensioenfonds overdragen. Dit noemen we waardeoverdracht. Eerder moest je dit binnen zes maanden na indiensttreding moest aanvragen. Dit is aangepast.
30 March 2016


Pension 1-2-3

Have you ever heard of "Pension 1-2-3"? With the Pension 1-2-3 you can decide for yourself how detailed you want to read the information about your pension: the outlines (layer 1), with an explanation of the outlines (layer 2) or in detail (layer 3).
30 March 2016


Extension of term Jack van Lith

The term of pension fund director Jack van Lith initially ran until January 1, 2016. We are currently searching for a new director, as well as new talent for the pension fund.
15 February 2016


Adjustment of administration costs ASP

One of the changes in the ASP is the adjustment in administration fees. Previously, these costs were the same for all participants. As of 2016, the costs differ between active participants and sleepers.
15 January 2016


Online ASP overview delayed

Are you taking part in the Employee Selection Plan (ASP)? Your ASP overview for period 13 of 2015 is not yet available online.
20 November 2015


From packer to driver...

After working as a temp for a year, I joined Mars as a permanent employee in 1978. In the beginning as a packer. Through internal training I became a process operator. Twelve years later I was elected to participate in the works council. And now I am a director of the Mars Pension Fund.