
Choose a fixed or variable pension from the age of 55

12 January 2018

What do you choose? Fixed or variable?

You can make this choice from the age of 55. We recommend that you do this by the age of 58 at the latest. The choice you make is important. Because a fixed and variable pension both require a different way of investing.

  • If you opt (for the time being) for a fixed pension, you may have to invest less risky. As an investment choice, the Fixed Life Cycle is best in line with a fixed pension.
  • If you opt (for the time being) for a variable pension, you may have to invest with more risk. As an investment choice, the Variable Life Cycle is best suited to a variable pension.

Based on the provisional choice you make, we will adjust your investments if necessary. In this way, your investments align well with the final choice you make on your retirement date.

Life Cycles

Until you are 58, the Life Cycle Fixed and Life Cycle Variable are the same. They start to separate from the age of 58.

In the Fixed Life Cycle, from the age of 58, less and less is invested in equities and more in long-term bonds. At the standard retirement age (68), the capital is fully invested in long-term bonds.

In the Variable Life Cycle, from the age of 58, less and less is invested in shares and more in bonds, but at the standard retirement age (68), 50% is still invested in shares. As a result, there is a greater chance that the capital will achieve an extra return.

What should you do?

That depends on your age:

  • Are you 58 years or older? Then we advise you to make a choice as soon as possible for a fixed or variable pension. You have received a letter from us about this.
  • Are you younger than 58 years old? Then you don't have to do anything yet. You will automatically receive a message when we ask you to choose.

From the age of 55 you can already delve into the fixed and variable pension and pass on your choice. Use the Investment Guide on our website for this. You can research which way of investing suits you and determine your provisional choice for a fixed or variable pension. But note: Until you are 58, the Life Cycle Fixed and Life Cycle Variable are the same. They start to separate from the age of 58.

Fixed and variable in short

Since 1 September 2016 you can choose between a fixed and a variable pension. With a fixed pension you know where you stand. You know what amount you will get every month for the rest of your life. A variable pension can be higher or lower each year. Your pension capital is also invested after your retirement date. You take more risk, but you also have a chance of a higher pension.