Getting started with MyMarsPension

Mars Dekkingsgraad 2024 09 EN

Financial position

The policy funding ratio was 141.8% by the end of September 2024


We are here to help you

We are the pension coaches of your pension fund! We know everything about the pension you accrued through Mars Pension fund and we are here to answer all your questions on your pension. Even if you are dissatisfied, we would like to hear from you. Then we can improve our services or look for a solution. Call us on 088 015 79 20

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Receiving pension

Find out when we will pay out your pension here. You can find pension specifications in My documents in MyMarsPension.


On the way to a new pension plan

From 1 July 2023 we have new pension rules. Because of these new rules, you will receive a new pension scheme no later than 1 January 2028. You can read more about it here.

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Notify changes

If you are moving abroad or wish to receive your mail at a different address, notify this to us in My details in MyMarsPension. We are automatically notified if you relocate within the Netherlands.