Pension 123 Layer 1

How you accrue pension

In three ways

You accrue pension in three ways:

A. AOW: this is the pension you receive from the government. Further information on the AOW is available at

B. Pension with the Mars Pension Fund. You accrue this pension through Mars, your employer. This is the pension described in this Pension 1-2-3.

C. Pension that you arrange personally, such as an annuity or bank savings.

Final pay plan

You accrue a piece of your pension each year. The pension you accrue is based mainly on the salary you earn at the end of your career. This is known as a final pay plan. You receive this pension from your retirement date for as long as you live.

Accrual percentage

Each year, you accrue pension on your pensionable salary plus your average shift allowance. Part of your salary is not counted, as we take account of the AOW pension you will receive later. This part is known as the deductible (Franchise). In 2025, the deductible is € 26,564.88. You accrue retirement pension at the annual rate of 1.657% of your gross salary less the deductible.


Mars pays the contribution for your pension. You do not pay anything personally. Mars may however ask you to make a contribution for additional disability pension.