
28 September 2023


The House of Representatives will discuss the bill on the new 'Lump sum' option

The House of Representatives has decided that the discussion of the bill on the new 'Lump sum' option can continue after the fall of the cabinet. The effective date of this new option has already been postponed a number of times.
29 August 2023


App ‘Life certificate’ for pensioners abroad

Do you live abroad and do you receive a request from us to provide a 'Life certificate'? We have good news: starting this year, you can use an app.
14 July 2023


Annual Report 2022: an eventful year

On 27 June 2023, the board of Mars Pension Fund approved the 2022 annual report. Do you want to know everything about the (financial) developments of the fund? Have a look at the infographic or read the full report.
4 July 2023


Decision on extra indexation because of high inflation

The inflation in 2022 was higher than the maximum indexation that is possible according to the policy of Mars Pension Fund. The board of the fund has discussed this with the employer. Because of the Future Pensions Act, it has been decided not to provide extra indexation.
27 June 2023


The people behind the pension fund: Judith Vermeulen

Judith Vermeulen is the new director of Mars Pension Fund. She introduces herself and explains how she became director and what she hopes to achieve for Mars Pension Fund members.
27 June 2023


What will we do with the results of the satisfaction survey?

Thank you for participating in our satisfaction survey earlier this year. We are happy to share the results and what we will do with them.
7 June 2023


Helmy Bakermans steps down as director of Mars Pension Fund

Helmy Bakermans steps down as director of Mars Pension Fund. She is retiring after a career of 39 years at Mars. She shares her best memories, most important insights and plans for the future.
6 June 2023


Survey: What do you think about investing and the related risks for your pension?

We would like to know what you think about investing and the related risks for your pension. This way we can include this in our preparation for the new pension system. Even if you don't know much about investing, your opinion is very important. Let your voice be heard!
31 May 2023


The Senate approves the Future Pensions Act

The Senate votes in favor of the Future Pensions Act. It is now up to the employer and social partners to make agreements about what the new pension scheme will look like.
28 March 2023


Interest accrual ARP plan first half 2023

The interest accrual for the ARP plan for the first half of 2023 has been set. For active members this is 13.0%. For former members this is 0.0%.