
New pension plan: associations of pensioners can make their voice heard

21 December 2023

The Senate and House of Representatives have approved the Future Pensions Act. That is why new rules for pensions have applied since 1 July 2023. Due to these new rules, the pension plan at Mars Pension Fund will change no later than 1 January 2028. Based on the new rules, the social partners (Mars and the Works Councils) make agreements about the new pension plan. Associations of pensioners and associations of deferred members have a legal right to be heard (hoorrecht) so that they can make their voices heard

Who represent the interests of the members?

The social partners (Mars and the Works Councils) decide together what the new pension plan will look like. The Works Councils represent the interests of the members at the negotiating table. The Board of Mars Pension Fund assesses whether the new plan is feasible and whether the proposal for how the current pensions will be converted to the new rules is balanced. The Board includes board members who represent active members and pensioners. 

In addition, Mars Pension Fund has an Accountability Body, which also includes representatives on behalf of active members and pensioners. The Accountability Body advises the Board and has enhanced advisory rights on important decisions by the Board regarding the new pension plan. That is why the Accountability Body at Mars Pension Fund has been expanded from 3 to 6 members.

The right to be heard (hoorrecht)

The Future Pensions Act includes a legal right to be heard (hoorrecht) for associations of pensioners and associations of deferred members. These associations will have the opportunity to make their voice heard to the social partners (Mars and the Works Councils) on the proposal for how current pensions will be converted to the new rules, also known as 'invaren'.

Associations of pensioners and associations of deferred members can make their voices heard

The Future Pensions Act came into effect on 1 July 2023. Mars and the Works Councils make agreements about the new plan and the conversion of the current pensions to the new rules. These agreements are recorded in a transition plan. Associations of pensioners and associations of deferred members have a legal right to be heard (hoorrecht) so that they can make their voices heard. 

Mars has contacted the Mars Seniors Club to ask if they would like to exercise this right to be heard. They have indicated that they are confident that pensioners are well represented in the Board and Accountability Body of Mars Pension Fund. They will therefore not make use of the statutory right to be heard (hoorrecht).

*Update February 2024 The Mars Seniors Club has since announced that they have revised their decision and do want to use the right to be heard.

Conditions for associations

Associations that wish to exercise the right to be heard must meet certain conditions according to the Future of Pensions Act: 

  • They must be associations with full legal capacity
  • The association's articles of association must state that they represent the interests of pensioners or deferred members
  • The association must represent at least 1,000 pensioners or deferred members, or 10% of all pensioners or former members of Mars Pension Fund

Where can associations register?

Associations of pensioners and associations of deferred members can send an email to: 

Or send a letter to: Mars Pensioenfonds t.a.v. het bestuur, Postbus 123, 1180 AC Amstelveen

Registration is possible until 1 March 2024