
Annual Report 2023: ‘the shop is open while under construction’

4 July 2023

By the end of June 2024, the board of Mars Pension Fund has approved the Annual Report 2023. Curious about the fund's (financial) developments? View the infographic or read the full report.


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New pension law

The new Dutch pension law (Wtp) has been in effect for nearly ten months. In the meantime, the Pension Board of Mars Pension Fund has explored the potential implications of the new regulations for the fund. Currently, Mars and the Works Council are making arrangements for the new pension plan. Although Mars and the Works Council design the new pension plan, the board of the pension fund does have a proactive role in supporting this process. All agreements made by the parties will be translated into a transition plan, due by the end of 2024.

Return and indexation

The fund achieved an investment return of 1.5% in 2023. Although this is a modest return, we still maintain an average funding ratio of 140.8%. 
In addition, the fund has approved a 0.16% indexation for pensioners and deferred members of the final pay plan. This is matching 75% of the increase in the Consumer Price Index from September 2022 to 2023, as reported by the Central Bureau of Statistics.

Responsible investing

Our active engagement with parties who invest the capital of the fund ensures a consistent elevation of our requirements regarding sustainable investing. We require new investments to be in line with SFDR 8 or SFDR 9 wherever possible - meaning these investments should be as sustainable as possible. This will also apply in the new pension scheme.