Pension 123 Layer 2

Retirement pension

You will receive this pension from your retirement date for as long as you live

Retirement pension is - together with your old-age pension (AOW) - your monthly income when you stop working and retire. The standard retirement age is 68 years. You will receive a pension from the date when you reach this age. You will receive this pension for as long as you live. The amount of your retirement pension depends mainly on your salary and the number of years in which you have accrued a pension.

The amount of your retirement pension is shown in your Uniform Pension Statement (UPO). This is sent to you once a year. Your UPO is also filed under My Documents. To see the total pension you have accrued, including at any former employers, go to 

My Pension

In My Pension you will find an indication of your financial situation on your retirement date. Here you will see how much pension you can expect from the Mars Pension Fund and your AOW pension. You can also make various calculations to see the implications of taking early retirement or the effect of other choices for your pension.

Old-age pension (AOW)

Your retirement pension is in addition to the old-age pension (AOW) that you receive from the government from the date when you reach your AOW age. The date on which your AOW pension comes into payment depends on your date of birth. For the amounts and the start date, go to

Frequently asked questions

You will be sent information on your pension and the options you have at least six months before your retirement date. Go to MyMarsPension to view your pension situation.

No, the contribution for the final pay scheme is paid in full by Mars.


You accrue a piece of your pension each year. The pension you accrue is based mainly on the salary (on a full-time basis) you earn at the end of your career. This is known as a final pay scheme. You receive this pension from your retirement date for as long as you live. If you have worked part time for some periods during your employment, for example 50% for a number of years and 100% thereafter, we calculate the amount of your pension on the basis of your average part-time percentage over your entire career at Mars.