
A new design!

30 March 2016

Did you notice? We have changed the look of Mars Pension Fund's digital newsletter. Our research from last year showed that the digital newsletter did not score very well on 'attractiveness'. Reason enough for the Pension Communication Committee (PCC) - on which I sit on behalf of the Oud-Beijerland office - to improve this. We hope that this design will be to your liking!



In addition to the improved newsletter, there are other things the PCC is working on. Let me take you back for a moment to last year's survey. The reason we do such surveys is that we want to continuously improve our services. Adapting the digital newsletter is a good example of this. But it also showed that the use of the pension dashboard still can be improved That is why we will pay attention to this later this year. The survey results showed that you are generally very satisfied. And we are very happy with that! But we are certainly not going to sit back and relax. On the contrary.


Putting participants first

The pension world is constantly moving. Also in the field of communication. Since 1 July last year, for example, we have had to deal with the new Pension Communication Act. In short, this Act states that pension funds should provide information that is more in line with the needs of the participant. As PCC, we fully support this. Focusing on our participants has therefore become an important part of our new communication strategy.

Five principles

Setting the communication strategy is one of the responsibilities of the PCC. In doing so, we took a close look at Mars' five principles: Quality, Responsibility, Reciprocity, Efficiency and Freedom. They form the basis of the company culture and the way Mars does business. And they are also the basis of our communication about your pension.

An important role

In addition to our involvement in communication on a strategic level, we are very much involved in the execution of our communication. At the moment, for example, we are very busy with the introduction of the Pension 1-2-3. You can read more about this later in this newsletter. We also deal with more 'regular' communications, such as the website, letters and the Uniform Pension Statement.

In short, the PCC plays an important role in communicating with you. I therefore hope that you enjoy reading the new newsletter!

Greetings, also on behalf of the Pension Communication Committee,

Rachel Sommerdij