The right to be heard has been created in the new pension act (Wtp) for retirees, so that their interests are represented in the transition to the new pension system. According to the new pension legislation, pension funds must have transitioned to a new pension system by 1 January 2027/2028 at the latest. Retirees have had virtually no say in this process. Furthermore, the new law eliminates the individual objection right – this means that you cannot personally choose whether the new rules will apply to your pension.
So, the right to be heard has been created in the legislation. A representative association of retirees can approach a pension fund to provide a written opinion on the new pension scheme. Social partners (The Company and Works Council) must then explain in writing to the association what they have done with this opinion. This way, retirees can influence the new pension scheme.
At the Annual Members Meeting of April 3rd, the members of the Mars Seniors Club agreed to the Right to be Heard.
The concept of a new pension system (transition plan) will be presented to the Right to be Heard Committee (Marjolein de Mars, William van Ettinger, Harry Verkuijlen, Wim de Korte, and Jack van Lith), and they will discuss this concept. Afterwards, their findings will be presented to all members of the Mars Seniors Club in an extra Annual Members Meeting. Members will decide what to include in the opinion before it is communicated in writing to Social partners.
Having many members is crucial, so it is important that many beneficiaries and inactive members of Mars Pension Fund sign up
Former employees of Mars Nederland who receive a pension from Mars Pension Fund can become members of the Mars Seniors Club (MSC). For beneficiaries/inactives of Mars Pension Fund who do not wish or cannot become members, we have made an adjustment to our House Rules:
Representation of collective interests of beneficiaries/inactives of Mars Pension Fund.
All beneficiaries and inactive participants of Mars Pension Fund can sign up for this subgroup of members. They will be invited to all meetings of the MSC concerning the collective pension interests to be represented (please note: these meetings are held in Dutch). They will also receive all communications on this topic. Membership costs are €7.50 per calendar year.
Board of the Mars Seniors Club
Sign up
Send an email to Tessa Kempkens: with your name, adress, phone number and transfer €7,50 to the bank account of Mars Seniorenclub: NL39 ABNA 0101895739.