Receiving pension benefits abroad
Transferring your pension benefit abroad has several consequences:
- It may take longer for the pension benefit to reach your foreign account number
- Our bank may charge costs for transferring to a foreign account number
- The receiving bank may also charge costs The (foreign) banks deduct these costs from your pension benefit. So you will keep less from your pension benefit.
Dutch Taxes
Even if you live abroad, you are obliged to pay tax on the pension paid in the Netherlands. That is why we have to deduct income tax from your pension. Do you live in a country with which the Netherlands has a treaty to avoid double taxation? If so, you can request the Dutch Tax Administration to issue a declaration of exemption. Always state our wage tax number (0038.29.200.L01) and the name of the fund (Mars Pensioenfonds) in the request.
Upon receipt of the exemption declaration, we no longer have to deduct payroll tax from your pension. You apply for the exemption declaration at:
Belastingdienst/Limburg/kantoor Buitenland
Postbus 2865
Phone number +31 555 385 385
Health insurance
If you emigrate abroad, your Dutch health insurance will lapse. Do you still receive a pension from the Netherlands? And are you moving to or living in a treaty country? In that case, you can claim medical care in your new country of residence. You will then have to register with CAK. Read more about this on the CAK website.

Life certificate
If you live abroad while receiving a pension from us, we will not receive any notification from foreign authorities upon your death. This means that we have to assess your details each year in order to ensure you are still alive and are entitled to the pension. That is why we ask you for a 'Life certificate' every year.
You can submit your 'Life certificate' digitally using an app on a smartphone. Are you unable or unwilling to do so? You can upload the form in MyMarsPension or return it to the postal address on the form. Please make sure we receive the form by November 30 to avoid suspending your pension benefits.
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