Uniform Pension Overview Final pay plan

The Uniform Pension Overview (UPO) 2022 is ready for you in MyMarsPensioen. Because we changed pension provider as of 1 January 2022, your UPO will look different this year. Your accrued entitlements may be shown differently than you were used to.

Why do I see a lower retirement or partner's pension?

Our new pension provider, Blue Sky Group, takes into account a standard division of the old-age pension versus the partner's pension (under the heading "How much pension have you accrued?"). The retirement pension is 100% by default and the partner's pension is 70% by default on the UPO. This was not the case before. Therefore, your retirement pension may be displayed lower than in previous years.

When you reach retirement age and start making choices, you can of course deviate from the 100:70 division. As 100:70 has turned out to be the most popular choice, we also show this on the Uniform Pension Statement. That way, we give you the most realistic representation possible. 

The amounts under "How much pension are you expected to receive if you continue to accrue?" are displayed in 2022 in the same way as for 2022. 


Why is the pension planner different from the UPO?

The Uniform Pension Overview shows the balance as of 1 January 2022. The pension planner is the most up-to-date state.

Do you not have a partner? Then the pension planner does not show your partner's pension. This means your retirement pension is higher than on the Uniform Pension Overview. Do you have a partner and is your partner known to us? Then you will see the same distribution as on the Uniform Pension Overview. 


What other differences are there compared to last year?

In 2021, under the heading "What will your (possible) partner and (possible) children receive if you die?" you saw three scenarios. From this year, you will only see there what your partner and (if any) children will receive on death when you are employed by Mars. Do you want to know what your partner and (possible) children will receive if you leave Mars employment or have your pension taken effect? Then go to the Pension Planner to view the amounts.

Factor A

The factor A shows how much your pension has increased over the past year. We also call this pension growth. You use the factor A to calculate the fiscal space. Your UPO 2022 shows the factor A for the year 2021. You use this for your tax return in 2023. This year, the factor A has been sent in a separate statement.

Where do I find the factor A?

You can find the factor A in MyMarsPension under "My Documents" in the "Letter 04-10-2022".

No longer employed by Mars?

Then there is no factor A available. There is pension accrual only when contributions are made. This happens only if you are employed by Mars.

Toelichting Uniform Pensioenoverzicht

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In your specific case, would you like to know in more detail how the difference came about or do you have another question about the UPO or your pension? Then please contact us. We can be reached by phone on working days between 09:00 and 17:00 on 088 015 79 20 or by e-mail at pensioenservice@marspensioen.nl.