
Month of love: Partner's pension choices at retirement

18 February 2022

February is rightfully the month of love! And yes, this can also affect your retirement. In the weeks surrounding Valentine's Day, we'll take you through this. So you know where you and your loved ones stand. Because, when you retire, you have to make a number of choices that may also affect your partner!

Your family situation has been considered in the pension plan. If you die, your partner will receive a partner's pension. You can find the amount of your partner's pension on your Uniform Pension Overview (UPO). In My Planner you can see what the consequences are for the partner's pension if you want to retire early or make a different pension choice.

When you retire, you have to make a number of choices that affect the level of your partner's pension. For example, you can choose to exchange a portion of your retirement pension for a higher partner's pension upon retirement. The reverse is also possible: you can also opt for less partner's pension and a higher old-age pension.

Your partner is entitled to a partner's pension if:

  • You were married before the retirement date or
  • have a registered partnership which started before the pension commencement date or
  • have a cohabitation contract that was known to the Pension Fund at least six months before your death and which took effect before the pension commencement date.



How does it work if you die during your employment?

If you die during your employment and before your retirement date, your partner will receive a partner's pension. We calculate this as if you had worked for Mars until your retirement date.

How does it work if you die after you leave employment?

Even if you die after you left employment, but before your retirement date, your partner will receive a partner's pension. Your partner will receive a benefit that depends on the amount of the capital in your MUP and MSP accounts that you have built up at Mars. On your Uniform Pension Overview (UPO) you will find an indication of these amounts.

How does it work if you die after you retire?

Do you want your partner to also receive a pension if you die after you retire? You can. You use part of your capital for this purpose. You use this part of your capital to purchase a partner's pension. Your partner will receive this pension after your death as long as he or she lives. Have you opted for this? Then you will receive a lower retirement pension. After all, you have a lower capital left for an old-age pension. You make this choice when you retire. 

We cannot tell you at present how high the partner's pension will be. On your UPO and in MyMarsPensioen you will find an indication of this amount.


Want to know how your pension is doing?

For yourself, a partner or children? Log in to MyMarsPension.