
Explanatory notes to the Uniform Pension Overview

17 November 2021

Recently you received your Uniform Pension Overview (UPO). In the overview with the data on which your UPO is based, less data is mentioned than last year. It is important to know that this has no consequences for your accrued and projected pension.

In the background we calculate with the correct data, so the results on the UPO are correct according to the 2014 plan. The pensions to be achieved shown in the UPO do not reflect the situation as of January 1, 2015.

Below we give further explanation about the differences.

UPO Final Pay plan

Shiftwork has been included.

Your pension is based on your pensionable salary and on your average shift allowance (if you have one). We have mentioned the shift allowance separately in the UPO.

This year we have mentioned the current shift allowance, not the average shift allowance. In previous years both were mentioned separately and also then the shift allowance was included in the pensionable salary. In your accrued pension and in your projected pension, we have of course taken the (average) shift allowance into account.

Not mentioned separately, but taken into account

This year the UPO does not state the (weighted) participation years, the extra retirement pension and the years from value transfer separately. These are taken into account in the calculated pension.


In the UPO of the ARP/ASP-plan, the participation years and the pension base for the risk coverage are not mentioned separately this year. However, the UPO does calculate with these data.