
27 June 2023


The people behind the pension fund: Judith Vermeulen

Judith Vermeulen is the new director of Mars Pension Fund. She introduces herself and explains how she became director and what she hopes to achieve for Mars Pension Fund members.
7 June 2023


Helmy Bakermans steps down as director of Mars Pension Fund

Helmy Bakermans steps down as director of Mars Pension Fund. She is retiring after a career of 39 years at Mars. She shares her best memories, most important insights and plans for the future.
28 March 2023


Helmy Bakermans steps down as director of Mars Pension Fund

Helmy Bakermans steps down as director of Mars Pension Fund. She is retiring after a career of 39 years at Mars. She shares her best memories, most important insights and plans for the future.
16 February 2023


The people behind the pension fund: Fred Nieuwland

Fred Nieuwland is the new chairperson of Mars Pension Fund. After introducing himself, he discusses his new role as chairperson and shares his vision of the future of Mars Pension Fund.